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the following story is a cautionary tale illustrative of the tautological platitiude which states that it’s a good thing ™ that the home despot has not taken over the do-it-yourself home repair universe.

the background: after plunging the depths of our do-it-yourself souls my wife and i came to the conclusion that despite the facts that we had never owned a house nor had we owned any power tools ( according to people in the know, a dremel is not, in fact, in the class of power tools) and had never engaged in any substantial fixing-up activities in the past – despite all this, we were still somehow, in some small way, qualified to fix-up a house. we told ourselves it would be fun. it would build character. it would bring us closer. and besides, they just don’t make houses like they used to. so, in what can only be described as a fit of madness, we recently decided to by a seventy year-old house that appeared to sit at the appropriate spot on the ‘fixer-upper’ continuum. in other words, we wouldn’t need to call in the hired guns, but we could count on spending a weekend here and a weekend there engaged in low-impact projects – a little painting, plaster, a few light fixtures, and maybe the occasional plumbing job. this weekend, my mission, which i chose to accept was to fix the leaky faucet. i mean, c’mon, how hard can it be?

the stem: after ignoring the leaky shower faucet for the mandatory six months, i decided it was time to take action. we go to home despot and the friendly guy who owns the plumbing aisle tells us that we likely have a leaky ‘stem’ [the part the faucet handle is connected to] and a little packing tape [thread coated with silicon] would surely do the trick. after returning home, i pull out the trusty home repair guide and quickly confirm that he was correct – we had a leaky compression stem and that packing tape was a good temporary fix.

[many mundane detailes omitted to keep this long story short – including trip after trip to the despot to get that wacked-out specialty plumbing tool that only plumbers use – and the bit about me weezing asthmatically because i have to munge around a damp, moldy area ‘behind’ the shower via an access panel that had not been removed since the precambrian explosion. ]

as it turns out the packing tape didn’t fix the problem. removing the stem only made the problem worse. the friendly guy who owns the plumbing aisle eventually referred me to a plumbing store. the guy behind the counter took one look at the stem and stated quite confidently that he couldn’t help me, but as he handed me a business card he said solemnly, “these guys have what you need.”

just faucets: briefly, i debated as to whether or not i wanted to make this journey to the depths of plumbing specialization. the business, appropriately name ‘just faucets’, was over an hour away. was it worth my time? were they going to have what i needed? was it time to hire an actual plumber? fueled with coffee, i decided i would not – could not – back down.

‘just faucets’ turns out to be the kind of place that is packed wall-to-wall with [yes, you guessed correctly] faucets. the kind of place where the only spot on the wall that is free of faucets is occupied with a yellowing copy of a newspaper article with a photo of the proprietor grinning ear-to-ear and the title: “local man beats the system: spends $1000 to beat a $67 dollar ticket”. the kind of place where the proprietor yells at customers [not me – he is yelling at someone who appears to be a professional plumber] to, “bring in a picture! sir, i don’t think you know what the hell you you are talking about! sir! sir! just bring me a damn picture of the fixture!” ‘just faucets’ is the kind of place where the proprietor makes fun of the customers after they leave – “holy shit! what a moron! how fucking hard can it be to take a picture? jesus christ, i don’t think his elevator went all the way to the top.”

‘just faucets’ is also the kind of place where the workers will look in amazement and wonder at a compression stem that they have never seen before. the stem is a piece of museum art and they are clearly impressed. it’s not even in their six-inch thick book devoted solely to compression stems. it’s at least 50 years old they say. maybe 60. shit, it may even be 70.

‘just faucets’ is the kind of place that will machine some new threads and grind a little here and grind a little there, hand you back the compression stem and say confidently, “it won’t leak anymore. i guess just give me 5 bucks.”

i guess while i’m blathering on about tinkering with things that i don’t actually have time to tinker with – jabber finally reached v1.0:

“Jabber is an instant messaging System, similar to ICQ or AIM, yet far different. It is open source, absolutely free, simple, fast, extensible, modularized, cross platform, and created with the future in mind. Jabber has been designed from the ground up to serve the needs of the end user, satisfy business demands, and maintain compatibility with other messaging systems.”

leaving aside the obvious question as to why exactly you would want ‘intelligent’ appliances [since of course, the appliances will at best be ‘competent’ and at worst ‘moronic’] – thalia [‘thinking and linking intelligent appliances’] looks, ummm, well-designed [although ‘flash’ sites rub me the wrong way].

this reminds me that it would probably be cheaper to revisit the linux home automation site and order a few firecrackers [hint: the special ’24-hour only’ deal has been running continuously for at least a year]

what they were thinking:

“These images, generated with M.R.I. and PET scans, show the way different thoughts affect the flow of blood to the brains of research subjects. Each of the four groups above represents one averaged, composite brain from different views. The upper left corner shows a brain thinking pleasant thoughts and the upper right brain is thinking depressing thoughts; the lower left, anxiety-inducing thoughts; the lower right, irritating thoughts. Areas in red indicate intense brain activity; areas in purple, reduced brain
activity. (Images from Dr. Hanna Damasio, University of Iowa College of Medicine.) ”

but i’d really like to know how these people were thinking:

“Some brain-injury victims who lose the ability to understand speech develop a talent that could come in handy during an election year: an uncanny ability to tell when someone is lying.”

if the following means anything to you, then you may enjoy Encapsulation, Inheritance and the Platypus effect:

“”You have your ‘isa’ hierarchy all thought out – let’s say you have a “mammals” class and a “reptiles” class and so on – and you start to implement it, and along comes a platypus, a fur-bearing, egg-laying, duck-billed creature, which doesn’t appear to fit in any of the classifications you’ve created. So what you often end up having to do is rethink your entire hierarchy, refactoring into a different set of basic categories, or maintaining several categorizations along different axes. A lot of your thinking ends up getting thrown out, as well as any implementation you’ve done up to that point.””

i guess this is just another way to describe what i think peterme is getting at when he talks about the ‘calculus of information’ [ e.g. – see april 13th post] – but from a completely different domain:

“The dynamism of our information spaces are what makes megalithic hierarchies so fundamentally limiting. Not only does information change, but my relationship to that information changes, and trying to
catalog it typically forces it into a lowest-common-denominator structure that serves no one by trying to serve everyone. This is why I go on about basic-level categories and heaps of metadata–by reducing information to its most basic level, we can build it back up on-the-fly depending on the user’s context.”