Category Archives: Uncategorized

what gender is your prose?

well, i guess i’ll have to add Lingua::EN::Gender to my rather long list of things to check out:

“I discovered The Gender Genie from LaughingMeme, which led me to Moshe Koppel and Shlomo Argamon’s algorithm, described in Nature and the New York Times Magazine. The Koppel-Argamon algorithm analyzes the text and guesses the author’s gender.

The algorithm was very simple, so I implemented it as a Perl module — Lingua::EN::Gender.”

i could imagine a few amusing and pointless applications that could benefit from guessing an author’s gender. [ via laughingmeme ]

scientist rediscover portion distortion

from the discovering-the-obvious department. scientist confirm what is obvious to anyone who’s been out to eat in the last decade – americans are fatter that their french counterparts because their portions are obnoxious:

“The answer, after methodical study of brasseries, eateries, pizza parlours, Chinese restaurants and Hard Rock cafes in both countries, is simple: the French eat less of everything. And they eat less because they are served smaller portions.”

i’m shocked, shocked. did you know that 20 years ago the average bagel was 3 inches in diameter and now it’s around 6. the average french fry serving has gone from 2 ounces to 5. of course, soft drink manufacturers are the big winners, with the “typical” soda [ giving away my east coast heritage ] serving ballooning from 6 ounces to 20 ounces.

olivier hits things squarely on the head – it’s all about elastic demand and “share of stomach”.

anal gland impaction and emotive malamutes

i’ve written previously on mauja, our emotive malamute and his sometimes amusing, occasionally infuriating, tendency to walk around “talking” to you; of course since he talks, he’s more than capable of talking back, or – more correctly – getting sassy:

“One of the most endearing (and sometimes exasperating) characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute is the fact that they talk. Their “Mala-talk” is usually sounds such as “oowoo”, “roowuf”, etc. Be warned, if they talk… they will also “talk back” to you just as a arguing child would. Owners have often found themselves in full conversation with their mals and both parties understanding what is being said.”

under normal circumstances mauja’s full of mostly good-natured, if not slightly grumpy sass, but give him a good case of impacted anal glands [ i’m not going to go into the ugly details of impacted anal glands, follow the link or use your imagination. ] and the sass turns into the rough equivalent of what you get when a toddler decides that she doesn’t want to be in the car anymore 20 minutes into a 5 hour trip.

to “unimpact” anal sacs, one need to “express” them, which pretty much means you need to pinch and squeeze them to get out the infected material. it’s kind of like when you were 13 and had pimples, only different in vitally important and repugnant ways. technically, a dog owner can perform this function, but i’ve never had the necessary fortitude, so off to the vet mauja goes, with bulging anal sacs and a mouth full of sass.

i arrive at the vet and realize that i’m getting a “newbie”. maybe she’s heard of mauja, but she hasn’t really experienced his sass in the first person. i don’t even bother to warn her. she takes mauja’s leash and i take a seat, casually flipping through “dog fancy”, while counting down in my head.



and so it goes on for two or three minutes. the newbie has gusto, i think to myself. people in the lobby cast worried glances, obviously wondering what sort of torture is being performed on mauja. of course, i know that not one person has laid a single finger on him. he’s merely telling them in no uncertain terms that he’s not really happy about the whole situation.

the newbie comes into the lobby, red-faced, likely embarrased by the calamity and probably wondering if i’m thinking that she’s injuring mauja.

“ummm. i think it might be infected. but i’m not really sure, because mauja won’t let me look. you know, he’s really not very happy.”

“i think i’ll have to get his regular vet so there’s somebody in the room he knows. it might be a few minutes since she’s seeing another animal right now”

“that’s fine. i understand.”

about 5 minutes pass and mauja starts into making his case again. only this time, it’s slightly different. i am not making this up. you can tell when he’s talking to somebody he knows. although he’s still loud enough so that you can hear him through the entire building, he’s a little less over-the-top in his vocalizations. it’s as if he’s switched from north korean style brinksmanship to a more diplomatic tone. it gets quieter over time and can tell the vet is slowly sweet talking him into letting her do what needs to be done. it’s only when i don’t hear a sound that i know he’s been pursuaded.

a few minutes later the vet comes into the waiting room. “ok. all set.”

“mauja’s such a big talker.” she says. “and a big baby. you know the whole time he was making all that noise we were standing around trying to talk to him. he always settles down eventually. ”

“yeah. i know.”

openoffice on osx. it’s worse than it appears.

i knew things weren’t looking so good when weeks started to pass and you still couldn’t get the x11 version of openoffice for os x [ update: oh, c’mon, of course i meant you can’t get the new 1.1 version. i’m perfectly aware that if you follow the link you can download the older 1.0 version ]. but apparently it gets worse, for the openoffice team has delayed a aqua-native version until early 2006:

“According to the update, the OS X translation has proven more complex and developer resources more limited than expected. As a result, project leaders have halted work on the OS X edition until version 2.0 of the main Windows/Linux version of OpenOffice is ready. ”

i guess i can live with this as long as it doesn’t mean that there won’t be any more updates of the x11 version for the mac. i’m not a power user of office suites of any sort and openoffice is the perfect solution; it allows me to avoid the microsoft tax while giving me the ability to open the occasional powerpoint or word file the someone sends me.

pattern recognition, context and social engineering

oh those clever worm writers. i’m assuming this email is sobig or a variant which claims to come from and comes complete with patch.exe. if the grammer were a little better, i’m sure they’d get a few takers. it’s a perfect example of the new breed of social viruses that exploit your sense of authority:

“These are big, powerful email addresses like, or (oof) blogdex[at] Even though people know not to open attachments, the authority of that email address throws an exception in their brains and thus the virus is propagated. It’s a new breed of virus, and it’s spreading like crazy.

Of course after another few months of IT castigation, the email world will return to normal. But this is an arms race between email virus authors and the pattern recognition in all of our brains. For every patch that a network administrator makes by slapping our wrists, someone is engineering more and more sophisticated techniques for bypassing our preconceptions.”

gator, media hat tricks and promotional stink

it’s hard to believe that is has been around 13
years since i was sitting on curb rolling gently back and forth on
a skateboard talking with friends about how odd it was that mark
“gator” rogowski had confessed to killing his girlfriend. even
stranger is the fact that that the event is now the basis for a
documentary which has nearly scored a media hat-trick by being
featured on the

terri gross show

and two, count ’em two, articles in the new york times [ see,
Skateboard King Who Fell to Earth”

Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of a Skateboard Star”

]. the terri gross interview was fairly compelling, but i’ve been
suckered once into paying hard earned money to take a walk down
memory lane with the barely mediocre
“dog town and the z

and newsday pretty much confirms my worst fears with

its skewering of “stoked”


“On a strictly mechanical level, even skateboard
fanatics likely will find it embarrassingly self-congratulatory,
particularly about the alleged glory days of ’80s skating; the
skateboard illiterate will wonder why so much time and effort are
being spent on such an insignificant, uncharming subject. And
anyone even the least bit cynical will smell the promotional stink
behind the social criticism, as “Stoked” promotes the very outlaw it pretends to stand against.”

not sobig

i’m quiet sure i’ll regret taunting the networking gods, but i’m going to do it anyway. for some reason, i haven’t received that many sobig related spams over the last few days, despite it being declared the
biggest virus so far:

“E-mail filtering company MessageLabs, for instance, said it intercepted more than a million messages that carry the virus on Tuesday, while rival Postini trapped 2.6 million in 24 hours.”

don’t get me wrong, i’m still getting my fair share of spam and whatnot, which is the inevitable casualty of having a public personality on the internet but, for me at least, sobig was notso. i wonder why.