Tag Archives: treehouse

adventures in transporting a giant pole for the treehouse spiral staircase.

adventures in transporting a giant pole for the treehouse spiral staircase. I.

i’m making progress on the treehouse spiral staircase and found a suitably long pole to build upon. and now i’m either going to make it 35 miles home with 7 feet of a 16 foot pole sticking out of my car without incident or I’m going to have a really good story!

the hardware store lumber dude who helped me load it in the car with a forklift exclaimed, “THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!” which i took to mean he did not often load 16 foot poles into cars.

the optimistic twine amuses me. i don’t really think it’s going to do much to stop the pole from sliding out of the car on a steep hill ( and there are a lot of steep hills between the store and home ) but i felt like it had to do something.

adventures in transporting a giant pole for the treehouse spiral staircase. II.

[ later] well that was exciting! I forgot to bring something to weigh down the pole in the car. with about half of it out of the car it was on a natural pivot point so I had to actively hold it down for 35 miles which made shifting pretty tricky! If I ever find myself in need on transporting 16 foot pole again, I’ll definitely remember to bring something to weigh it down!

a father’s day power tool gift from odin!

a father's day power tool gift from odin!

odin gave me a mini circular saw because he saw an ad where it was featured making short work of stair treads. i can’t imagine what he has in mind!

( i need to make a circular staircase for the treehouse deck because we’ve learned over the years that many children and adults discover they have a latent fear of heights when climbing the 15 foot ladder to get to the treehouse deck. )

oh nothing, just jacking up a 2,000 pound treehouse deck, as one does.

oh nothing, just jacking up a 2,000 pound treehouse deck, as one does.

some might recall two years ago when i wrote a PSA on how to avoid needing to check your underpants while jacking up a treehouse deck. as a result of that incident the treehouse deck as been juuuuuust slightly off center of the supports.

it was only a few inches off center which not enough for anyone to notice but me to notice, but it’s been annoying me for two years so today i jacked up the deck again very carefully and with odin’s help ever so carefully shifted it back and lowered it down.

now it’s perfect! though it’s never not disconcerting to but under the deck when it’s jacked up. i hope i don’t have to do it again!

oh nothing, just power washing the treehouse movie theater deck, as one does ( also, black locust lumber is amazing ).

oh nothing, just power washing the treehouse movie theater deck, as one does ( also, black locust lumber is amazing ).

getting ready for another season of movies on the treehouse deck! this is the third season of the treehouse movie theater and i continue to marvel at the durability and beauty of black locust lumber. it’s not treated with anything and after a power washing it looks as good as the day i picked it up from a local amish sawyer.

i think this is the year to build an actual treehouse on the treehouse movie theater deck. i wanted to wait to see how the lumber withstood the elements before building a treehouse on the deck. it passed the test.

i still kind of can’t believe i built a 14 foot by 16 foot deck around two trees 15 feet in the air! and it hasn’t come crashing down after years of 40mph winds with both trees swaying independently.

how the heck did a crazy windstorm do this to the treehouse movie theater screen?

how the heck did a crazy windstorm do this to the  treehouse movie theater screen?

first, some detail might be in helpful. the 11’x5’ treehouse movie theater screen hangs off the 2nd floor of the house and is attached at the top to the house soffit. there’s a 10 pound piece of metal conduit in a hem on the bottom of the screen to keep it even and flat. support ropes are linked to clamps that are attached to the bar to keep the bar from banging against the house when it gets windy.

recently, we had a couple days and nights with crazy winds and on one of those nights we could hear the treehouse movie theater screen banging against the side of the house. great. the winds were so strong they snapped the support lines on the bottom of the screen. but there was nothing to be done in the dark during 40mph gusts so we settled in for a night of listening to the banging.

but then it stopped. “huh.” i thought. “i guess the screen must have ripped apart and fallen down entirely.”

not exactly. somehow a gust of wind got in the foot of so space between the screen and house and whipped it onto the roof and over the drain waste vent?! you can sort of see the metal conduit that runs along the bottom of the screen in this photo and how it had to make it up and over the vent.

it might be hard to visualize but if hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, i wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

i have to admit, lacking a 30 foot ladder, it took some time to figure out how to get myself perched on what is probably the most inaccessible section of our roof to try to get the bar back over the vent. i’m looking down on the treehouse movie theater deck which itself is 15 feet off the ground.

day 4045 – 210/365. big hero 6 in the treehouse movie theater under a blue moon!

day 4045 - 210/365. big hero 6 in the treehouse movie theater under a blue moon! I.

we learned last year that when you have the chance to watch treehouse movie you really should take it because the chances go by fast what with crazy schedules, inclement weather and summer zooming right along. so tonight we watched big hero 6, with odin some buddies and their parents. and yes, we had homemade popcorn and movie theater candy because IT’S IN THE TREEHOUSE MOVIE THEATER RULE BOOK!

day 4045 - 210/365. big hero 6 in the treehouse movie theater under a blue moon! II.

what a sweet, sweet movie. A++. highly recommended whether or not you have a treehouse deck and an 11 foot movie screen 🙂