All posts by snowdeal

editor and publisher examines the corporatization ‘ of weblogs:

“Weblogging by nature has been a solitary pursuit, and its practitioners are mostly independents. But as Gillmor and Cooper are showing us, the model can work on a corporate level — if news organizations are willing to be more free with their notion of what is acceptable content for their Web site.”

apparently, smart media companies will realize that ‘blogging’ will allow companies to more closely approximate the human voice and establish conversations with readers – if they don’t try to sterilize the effort:

Gillmor says eJournal is an experiment in what the Web experience can be. “We’re still trying to figure out what it is,” he says. “That’s part of the fun.” While the columnist is (obviously) at the center of the Weblog with what he writes, Gillmor sees it as facilitating a multi-way conversation between he and his readers, and readers and other readers.

Hosting a Weblog is a way to add a personal voice to the corporate face, says Jim Romensesko, one of the most widely recognized Webloggers.”

i’d have to agree with the the manifesto – this type of phenomenon is not going to stay contained within the news industry – soon enough, companies everywhere will be selecting poor saps from corporate communications to post up pres…er stories that evangelize the party line in an attempt to establish a conversation with the market.

first monday has published a lengthy article on the ‘linux phenomenon’:

“This paper establishes a context for the work of Eric Raymond and his description of the Linux phenomenon, by examining the emerging science of complex adaptive systems pioneered by John Holland, Christopher Langton, Robert Axelrod, among others. Raymond’s evolutionary view is given an extended and more formal treatment under the terms of chaos and complexity, and chaos and complexity under the terms of sociology. In addition, this paper presents an ethnographic account of Linux, amassed from a series of electronic mail interviews with kernel developers. These interviews examine Linux as a social phenomena, which has prompted wide interest and become a subject of heated discussion. Comments and feedback of this paper can be found at”

great. if this study is to be believed, benedryl affects my driving more more than if i were legally drunk. now, somebody is going to really ruin my life by proving that my propensity to bang out e.mails while driving is worse than my habit of breaking open thermometers and playing with mercury.

there has been an interesting series on national public radio regarding the results to of a technology survey commisioned by npr, the kaiser family foundation, and harvard’s kennedy school of government. while many results are not surprising – some are, including the fact that the so-called ‘digital-divide’ exists, but is not as severe as worst-case scenarios would suggest:

“While there has been much talk about the digital divide by race, we find that gaps between blacks and whites under age 60 are more pronounced in the home than at work. We also find they are more pronounced at lower-income levels than at higher-income levels. There is a gap of 11 percentage points between blacks and whites using computers at work (46% vs. 57%); but there is a larger, 22 point gap between blacks and whites who have a computer at home (51% vs. 73%). Similarly, a gap of 8 points exists between blacks and whites using the Internet at work (21% vs. 29%) compared with a larger 19 point gap in access to the Internet or e-mail at home (38% vs. 57%). Although there is a 17 percentage point gap in home-computer ownership between low-income blacks and low-income whites, the differences virtually disappear at upper-income levels.”

amazon patent saga. scene 48.

fade in. tim talking on cell phone with jeff. tim looks disheveled and oblivious to the ire that he is raising in the woman seated at the next table because he is talking loudly.

Tim: With the Web we’ve had this incredibly fertile period marked by a great deal of sharing and consequent innovation, most of it by independent developers who’ve learned by looking at what others were doing, imitating it and then playing leapfrog. And it is these developers whose efforts are most harmed by the fear that they may be sued by a player like Amazon.

Jeff: We aren’t going after those developers. There are lots of people using 1-click purchasing on their sites whom we aren’t suing. We’re just going after the big guys who are going after us, the guys who are not innovating themselves but just copying us and working to crush us.

Tim: Would you be willing to make some kind of public promise that you won’t be going after other people about this?

Jeff: I’ll think about it and talk with my lawyers to see if there’s any way we could do that without harming our suit against B&N.

more talk. woman at next table scowls and flings peas at tim. power lunch leads to ‘action items’ for tim:

1. For to think hard about what kind of assurances they could give to independent developers about their safety from patent lawsuits.

2. To continue our conversation about patents, openness, and software innovation.

3. For me to write up our conversation so far and share it with the public, even in its inconclusive state. After all, one of the rules of the Internet, as articulated so brilliantly in The Cluetrain Manifesto, is that a market is a conversation. We don’t have an answer yet, but we’re talking.

salon hyperlinks stage right. adds historical dimension in attempt to distinguish itself from punditry masses.

Contrary to popular belief, business-method patents have flowed from the Patent and Trademark Office for over 100 years. Many appear at least as obvious as Amazon’s. For example, patent 44,778, awarded to Isaac Bates on October 25, 1864, covers a “method for teaching penmanship,” specifically an innovative position of arm, pen and hand. Meanwhile, patent 660,255 protects a method for teaching
speaking and reading to the deaf. It was issued in 1900.”

dave hyperlinks stage left. offers large hunk of cheese to tim [who politely declines] with a side of unsolicited advice for jeff:

The only way to have a conversation with the Web is to put your own words on the Web. An actual interview or essay, clearly stating Amazon’s position. It’s great that he talked with Tim, but it’s no substitute for a direct response to their customers.”

slow fade. pan left as woman draws back large spoon of peas aimed at…