running update – 10 months and 1190 miles later.

wow. it’s hard to believe that it’s been slightly over 10 months since i started running again and five months since i decided to run the chicago marathon 9 years after running it for the first time!

i just tallied up my mileage and i’ve run 1,190 miles since starting up again. if memory serves that’s almost half the distance across the united states from coast to coast “as the crow flies”!

and now it’s just shy of 12 weeks until the chicago marathon which means i have to get serious about putting in a longer run each week and building up to about an 18 or 20 miles before the marathon.

i’ve been running 5-6 miles a day 7 days a week for many months now to get a solid base down, so i’ll have to come up with a plan that keeps the overall mileage about the same but throws in a long run on the weekend with a rest day – probably customized off one of the hal higdon routines.

here we goooooooooooo!

the dramatic drought disaster and complicated corn sex

it’s record breaking hot all over and meteorologists predict the drought is only going to get worse on the same week usda declared the largest natural disaster area ever due to drought ( more than 1,000 counties covering 26 states ) because, well, “corn sex is complicated…the whole affair is so freakishly difficult it’s hard to imagine how it ever evolved in the first place…” and the drought isn’t making it any easier.

the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the masses that camera phone photos would hold up over time

none other than marco arment laments the realization that the photos he’s taken over the past two years with his iphone look like junk when viewed on screens larger that 3.5″ and really don’t hold up on large, high-density screens like the retina display. when compared to how his dlsr photos have held up, the difference is so pronounced that he’s switching back, or at least attempting to be more conscious about using his big rig to future proof his photos. good choice, since optics/physics fundamentals dictate that camera phone photos will always be limited to looking good on smaller, lower density screens. there’s just no away around it. an interesting conundrum for handheld hardware manufacturers who are simultaneously pushing larger, higher density displays.