recipe: grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar and caramelized brown sugar.

recipe: grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar and caramelized brown sugar. I.

now that we have lots of not decoy peaches we, of course, have to find new enjoy the peachy goodness. this is a new problem for me since i’ve always avoided peaches before discovering the wonders of a perfectly ripened peach fresh off the tree.

my sister recommened grilled peaches and after seeing this simple but tasty sounding recipe, i had to give it a try:

“the sugar-plus-heat combination makes for a seductive caramelizing effect, balsamic vinegar cuts through the sweetness; factor in a touch of smoke flavor from the coals and you essentially have s’mores for grown-ups, with a texture almost exactly like peach pie filling. Best of all, you can cook them without having to leave the backyard for more than two minutes.”

first, preheat the grill to 500°F, or whatever. Peach Searing Hot is what we’re looking for.

get some peaches, not too soft, and halve and pit them.

recipe: grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar and caramelized brown sugar. II.

“marinate” the peaches in balsamic vinegar and a bit of brown sugar for around an hour. i’m guessing you could get away with not marinating if you’re pressed for time.

recipe: grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar and caramelized brown sugar. III.

brush on a little bit of oil onto the grill and place the peaches face-down for 3 or 5 minutes.

turn them over, sprinkle a generous amount of brown sugar on top and keep on the grill until they are soft through and through.

they do not disappoint! my first reponse?

“oh. mah. gawd. grilled peaches with balsamic vinegar and caramelized brown sugar, where have you been all my life?”

as an added bonus, it’s gluten free which always makes me happy!

i’m going to have to make a batch of homemade vanilla ice cream to make a great thing even better.

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