it seems like just yesterday that we were test driving odin’s new highchair. but really it was 479 days ago! and recently we’ve been noticing that he’s getting so big that he really doesn’t need the highchair anymore and that it’s really just a convenient toddler corral for us during mealtimes. so we thought we’d spend more time concentrating on teaching him good table manners and say goodby to the highchair. but not before we had a celebratory snack of cottage cheese and bacon, which are two of his favoritest foods.
i have no idea when it’s “normal” to ditch the highchair, but my guess is that there’s a lot of variability – maybe somewhere between ages 2 and 3 is the average? regardless, thanks to the wonders of digital photography and flickr you can take a trip down memory lane and watch odin grow up in the highchair slideshow.