the accidental marathonist.

of the many things i learned from training for and running in marathons, these are but a few:

1. by setting reasonable daily goals and challenging yourself a little each day, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. really, it works. it’s not just motivational babble.
2. discipline. discipline. discipline. and more discipline.
3. the little voice inside your head that says you can’t possibly go one step further is almost always wrong.

4. except if you don’t pace yourself properly In The Beginning, then the little voice might be right.

5. usually when you’re in the thick of it, you don’t realize how silly you look, but even if you did you wouldn’t care because you just ran 18 miles and stomped out that little voice and are pretty sure you can run 8 more.
6. when They tell you that you’ll never run again, sometimes they’re wrong.
7. accept the kindness of strangers. when you’re at mile 23 and you’re once again doubting whether or that little voice is correct, people you don’t even know will help you keep on keeping on by cheering for you.

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