the postcard project: wellington, new zealand.

that’s right! it’s a new postcard for the postcard project!

we’ve been getting postcards here and there and i’m embarrased to admit that i still have a backlog of old postcards. all the moving threw a big ol’ monkey wrench in my grand plans to keep things up to date; but i’m making a renewed effort to keep putting them online. if you’ve sent us a postcard please know that there’s a 99% chance that it has arrived and we’ve enjoyed it 🙂

fellow flickrite, pftqg sent this postcard from new zealand’s capital and its second largest city, wellington, and features a fine example of the kiwi which is the national bird.

and no, odin didn’t give us too much trouble on our concert night out 🙂

remember to always check the postcards from budapest post to find the most current address should you ever get the urge to send odin a postcard!

[ see the postcard project slideshow. ]

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