‘comment on this post’ feature brought to you by technorati ( and blogger )

why should boingboing have all the fun with technorati “comment threads” and movabletype? it’s easy and fun with to do with your blogger template. just add the following link somewhere to your template:

title=”Technorati Cosmos”>Other blogs commenting on this

wierdly, technorati appears to be chomping the # permalink stamp from the url. you can see it in the url bar, but it doesn’t look like it’s showing up in the actual search. am i doing something stupid, dave?

in case, maybe somebody will comment on this post so i can see if it works.

update: nothing like reinventing the wheel. apparently the “pound sign problem” is well known and easily fixed by using “%23” instead of the “#”. hi. ho.

update again:hey! neat. people are commenting and apparently finding the rediscovered blogger template link useful. neat.

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