rss [2.0] made me do it

i’m almost embarrased to admit that i bought the new janes addiction album [sic] today. o.k. i admit it. i’ve of the age when “nothing’s shocking” was on permanent rotation in my sony walkman when it was originally released 15 years ago. so buying a reunion album is pretty much a blatant attempt to walk down memory lane and relive the salad days of yore.

what’s worse, is i bought it on the recommendation of rolling stone, which if you’re in the demographic of people who had “nothing’s shocking” on permanent rotation in 1988 is sort of like buying an album on the good word of the devil. flipside fanzine good. rolling stone bad. that’s the way it is.

so what brought me to this sorry state of purchasing affairs? a rolling stone review i read via their new rss feeds.

and the funny part? the album is great. it’s big fun to crank up to ’11’ while tooling around in my jetta tdi station wagon. such is life.

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