don’t mind me – just giving a few links the ol’ heave ho into the
annotated bookmark bin.

Links & JavaScript Living Together in Harmony


“It seems there’s not a week that goes by that someone isn’t asking about how to properly execute some JavaScript from a link.”

“I haven’t covered all the possibilities or reasons for calling JavaScript within links. However, I hope you’ve seen that there are ways to do so and have the page degrade as gracefully as possible.”



“SafeMail lets you put your address on the page using javascript’s document.write method. With this, your user’s browser displays your email link exactly as if you had coded it with HTML, except you can achieve this effect without at any point putting the string of your email address in the code. This means spambots find nothing, and you stay clear of spam.”

a search engine in perl


““Slow down, coach,” some of you may be grumbling. “I’m a web designer, not a programmer. It took me some work just to get a handle on the DOM. I thought this was supposed to be a introduction!” Well, calm down, even a little programming experience is enough for what we are about to attempt.

We are going to build a quick ’n easy search engine for your site; we won’t be going anywhere near the complexity of a major search engine like Google or Yahoo. In fact, we won’t need to do anything more complex than write a few calls to functions already provided for us by modules.”

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