despite some indications that might have to tweak their business model a bit, they still decided to release the source to a few components, including JECL:

“Jabber External Component Libraries (JECL), a set of programming interfaces for building Jabber server applications. JECL 1.0 provides a programming interface to build applications that take advantage of Jabber’s extensible XML messaging platform. Examples are directory services and collaborative applications.”

and there’s the new book from
peter – the chatbot chapter is online:

“In this article, we take a look at bots, those programs-with-character that hang around in chat channels and amuse, help, and generally make the day a little more pleasant for those people who talk to them. We’ll take a close look at ChatBot, beloved of the participants in the Jabber Developer’s room “jdev”, which is hosted on”

that reminds me. i should update pixie so she can impress you with her loquacious wittiness.

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