speaking of unfinished projects [ see

post. ]. there’s not one, but two,

books in the works.

Programming Jabber: Extending XML Messaging:

“Programming Jabber offers developers a chance to learn and understand the Jabber technology and protocol from an implementer’s point of view. Detailed information of each part of the Jabber protocol is introduced, explained, and discussed in the form of mini-projects, or simple and extended examples in Perl, Python, and Java. This book provides the foundation and framework for developers to hit the ground running, and is the essential book on Jabber.”

Jabber Programming


“Enables developers to build their own Jabber-based messaging systems quickly and easily. Examples are in Visual Basic and make use of JabberCOM. Readers will be able to create their own instant messaging clients for use with AOL, MSN, ICQ and other popular chat clients. Includes coverage of installing and running your own Jabber Server.”

if you have a

client you can subscribe to pixie@snowdeal.org and type “hello” to see my stab at developing a rosterbot. she’s not too smart. yet.

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