sun has finally released staroffice 6.0 beta:

“The new version of StarOffice is simplified to make file exchange easier. The software has support for XML file formats; more robust Microsoft Office import and export filters, including support for Office XP.”

the enhanced xml support has intriguing consequences as matt sergeant hinted at in adventures with OpenOffice and xml:

“In November at XML Dev Con in San Jose I gave a talk about the current state of XML applications for web developers in the open source world. My conclusion was that while the server side of XML processing is competitive with, if not better than, proprietary products, the client-editor side of things was a long way off. OpenOffice’s XML format changes everything. Now you really can edit a richly formatted document in a WYSIWYG word processor and publish it directly to the Web. That’s a huge step in the right direction for the open source community.”

first one to integrate with the blogger api wins.

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