i was doing my best to not post them here, because they are already, um, adequately posted, but i just can’t resist juxtaposing Triumph of the Weblogs and A million DJs, one musician. if you can match the quote with the link then you’ll get nothing, >absolutely free< with a no money back guarantee:

“If Web Logging (or “‘blogging”) is the New Journalism then scavenging must be the New Cuisine. This format for writing on the web, which some are calling the “Ground Zero of the personal Webcasting revolution”, is drowning in noise because the armchair reporters – for whom the blogging tools were invented – have no idea what to use their ‘blogs for or what direction they should be going in. A representative ‘blog is confused, disorganized and maddeningly tiring to read. Much like a personal web site from 1996, so what’s new and why should we care? Least the utopian talk of web logs changing the world and the face of journalism have you expecting more than they can deliver, there could be a useful purpose for them – given some discipline.”

c’mon no peaking at the links…

“In the beginning, there were the voices: people expressing themselves, communicating with one another, offering their perspectives on the world and sharing their passions. By lowering the barriers to publishing, the Web can make those voices, whether representing individuals or their organizations, more powerful than ever before. But that requires the right tools, metaphors and platforms.

Through a gradual process of evolution and technology development, the voices have finally found a native online form through which to express themselves: a new kind of Website called the Weblog.”

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